SBI Clerk Admit Card 2024: State Bank of India has announced the tentative date of the preliminary examination of Junior Associate Recruitment. Along with this, the bank has also announced the date of release of admit card for the preliminary examination.
SBI Clerk Admit Card 2024: State Bank of India has announced the date of release of SBI Clerk Preliminary Exam Admit Card. The bank has also released the tentative exam dates for Junior Associate posts. Candidates can check the notice related to admit card date and exam date by visiting the official website of SBI
SBI Clerk Prelims Date: SBI Clerk Recruitment Preliminary Exam
The link to download the admit card for SBI Clerk Preliminary Exam will be available on the bank’s website on February 10, 2025. The tentative exam dates for Junior Associate are February 22, 27, 28 and March 1, 2025.
The official website reads, “The tentative dates for conducting the Preliminary Examination are February 22, 27, 28, 2025 and March 1, 2025. The link to download the call letter for the Preliminary Examination will be published on the bank’s website by February 10, 2025. Candidates are advised to be ready to appear in the Preliminary Examination.”
SBI Clerk Exam Pattern:Â
The online preliminary exam will consist of objective tests of 100 marks. The exam will last for one hour and will have three sections: English Language, Numerical Ability and Reasoning Ability. Wrong answers in the objective tests will attract negative marks. One-fourth of the marks allotted for each question will be deducted for each wrong answer. There are no minimum qualifying marks prescribed for individual tests or aggregate marks.
Under this recruitment drive, 13735 Junior Associate posts will be filled in the organization. The registration process started on December 17 and ended on January 7, 2025. SBI Clerk Pre-Training Admit Card was released on the official website last week.
SBI Clerk Prelims Admit Card: How to download admit card
After the release of SBI Clerk Prelims Admit Card 2024, candidates can follow the steps given below to download their admit card.
- Visit the official website of SBI
- Click on the Career link available on the home page.
- A new page will open where candidates have to click on the Current Openings link.
- Now again click on the SBI Clerk Prelims Admit Card 2024 link available on the page.
- Enter the login details and click on submit.
- On doing so your admit card will be displayed.
- Check the admit card and download the page.